How Hypnosis Can Help You

Hypnosis has long been recognised as an effective means of treatment for a number of psychological conditions. Hypnotherapy can help you to create more confidence for yourself and improve feelings of self worth. You can also learn to overcome problems like the fear of public speaking; phobias like being terrified of traveling on the tube; and become more at ease with yourself by building your confidence and self-esteem.
Typical examples of area where hypnotherapy can help include:
Overcome the fear of public speaking
Do you freeze before or during meetings or presentations? Suffering from dry mouth, blushing or sweating? Are you lost for words, desperate to escape? Are you terrified of interviews? Is public speaking anxiety your number one fear? With hypnotherapy you can overcome this anxiety, speak with confidence and feel more comfortable with other people. Come and see how hypnotherapy works with an experienced and confident speaker - visit my home page and call or email me today.
Low self esteem and depression
Are you depressed or feeling low in self-worth? This is an increasingly serious problem: find out how hypnotherapy can help you create and build up feelings of self worth and self belief. Overcome the hurts of the past and move on towards a more positive and hopeful future. You can move into a better future. Please visit my home page and email me for more information.
Panic attacks
Do you ever feel as if you are losing control of yourself in everyday situations?
Have you ever been in the grip of frightening physical symptoms, like intense sweating, palpations, nausea, fainting? Hypnotherapy can calm your nerves and get to the root of the problem - reducing or even releasing this terrifying anxiety. Visit my home page for my contact details and ask me how hypnotherapy can help you.
Build confidence
Do you want to lift low self-esteem and improve relationships or career prospects? Is lack of self-worth getting you down or holding you back? Find out by calling or emailing me from the home page how hypnotherapy can help you create a more positive YOU.
Fears, phobias & flashbacks
Hypnotherapy can be most effective in releasing phobias -amongst the ones I am often asked to treat is the fear of traveling on the tube in London. It can also deal with the effects of trauma, including flashbacks. Modern techniques can substantially reduce or even remove the symptoms in 2/3 sessions. If you are in the grip of any irrational fear then please contact me now. Visit my home page for contact details.
Post traumatic stress
Have you have been the victim of a traumatic and frightening event? Then you could be suffering the disabling effects of post traumatic stress. Nowadays there are techniques which have been seen to effectively and safely release the symptoms.

Hypnosis – How It Can Help You Stop Smoking Today

Does Hypnosis Therapy Give You The Willpower Stop Smoking

What is Stop Smoking Therapy in Hypnosis?

Every smoker would been alerted-- by family members, doctors and even strangers about the dangers of smoking. Cancer, emphysema and heart disease are some of the health problems associated with long -term smoking. But if you want to quit smoking, but just don't have the willpower, you should seriously consider a stop smoking hypnosis program. In stop smoking hypnosis therapy you can manipulate your own subconscious into helping you break the psychological addiction to smoking cigarettes. And the sooner you are able to quit smoking, the sooner your health risks will be reduced.

How Does Stop Smoking Hypnosis Work

Stop Smoking Hypnosis is conducted by a hypno-therapist who has been trained to provide suggestions to your subconscious mind. Everyone who smokes has your natural cigarette triggers, such as driving or eating, watching TV, with subconscious reminders about the positive effects of quitting smoking. Hypnotherapy helps to reduce your cravings and improve your confidence in your ability to quit smoking. Stop smoking hypnosis can also be done at home via CD or through other audio. The use of hypnosis to cure the habit of smoking has varying results. It depends on your susceptibility to being hypnotized. However many people believe that the therapy allowed them to quit smoking with virtually no withdrawal symptoms or cravings.

What Are The Advantages of Stop Smoking Hypnosis

There are many advantages in a stop smoking hypnosis program. There are many products in the market to help you quit smoking, including nicotine patches and gums, but all of them have some side effects. Hypnosis therapy has some unique benefits. These benefits are:

There is a decrease in health risks if the therapy is successful

The treatment uses no drug drugs
Therapy can be completed quickly and there is no long-term cost
Stop smoking hypnosis therapy also boosts your confidence
The Therapy focuses on the positive
The Therapy can be made to suit your personal smoking triggers and habits

Why Hypnosis And Hypnotherapy Can Be Beneficial

Several studies show hypnosis can help you lose weight, give up smoking, achieve other goals and suffer less pain

To sceptics, hypnosis is mumbo-jumbo, but scientific evidence now shows that hypnosis and self-hypnosis can help people to overcome problems. It has can help people:

* Stop over-eating and reduce weight
* Stop smoking
* Reduce excessive drinking
* Stop gambling

Of course, you must want to end these problems. During your normal mental state you may not be prepared to take the trouble needed to overcome the addiction - and may not admit it is an addiction - but if you ever think "I want to stop smoking" or drinking, etc, then there is a good chance that hypnosis will help.

How does it do so? Hypnotism - that is the act of being hypnotised - has been shown to alter the mental state. Different electrical signals are produced, and this has also been show with magnetic resonance imaging. However, it is not know exactly what occurs.

All that is known is that the state appears to be closer to sleeping with one exception - you remain completely alert. There are various theories. For example, it is known that there are two aspects of the brain: conscious and sub-conscious.

The conscious is used to work things out logically, and to take decisions about what to do next. The sub-conscious keeps us breathing, keeps our heart beating regularly, and sends out signals to our body to carry out all the routine operations needed to keep us alive.

But it is more than that: the sub-conscious also stores memories and information, and has ready access to these things - even when we have forgotten them. In some cases, the events just happened a long time ago, or were insignificant. In others, they were so uncomfortable that we don't allow our conscious mind to remember them.

Theses forgotten memories can also result in repression, so that we don't achieve what we want, or may make us do things we don't really want to. The hypnotic state can make your subconscious see things differently, and overcome problems.

What happens with hypnosis? Some hypnotherapists induce a feeling of nausea that is associated with smoking or overeating, so that the next time we get a cigarette out, we don't feel good. Another approach is to help the person have more determination to stop smoking.

Increased determination also helps us achieve our goals - goals that we thought were completely out of reach.

Personal problems such as phobias can be overcome with hypnosis, and pain in illness can be reduced - this has been demonstrated in various studies including one involving 80 children suffering from cancer. Overcoming the pain of childbirth is another example.

A group of people who suffered from hay-fever in Switzerland also found reduced symptoms following hypnosis. Half the group were treated this way in the first season, and compared with the others, and the other half of the group were treated prior to the second season. Afterwards, they reported that they needed less medication than before being hypnotised.

EEGs (electro-encephalographs) showed that the right-brain was more active and the left-brain less active during hypnosis. The left-brain is associated with analysis and criticism and the right-brain with creativity.

Weight Loss: Why Hypnosis Really Does Help

If you are one of the many millions of people who struggle to maintain the proper weight, you are probably aware of the generally accepted groundrules of weight management.

The rules say that you need just two things to keep to the correct weight: proper diet and exercise. These two factors are expounded in books and programs worldwide that are the center of a billion-dollar business.

Unfortunately, that business is failing, at least in having an effect, if not in making money for its principals. The proportion of the population who are overweight, and in fact obese, is growing at an alarming rate.

And it's not just the United States, by the way. Obesity worldwide is such a concern that the World Health Organization has coined a new word "Globesity" to describe what they see as a global problem.

For many of us, "proper diet and exercise" is not a simple or an easy answer - instead, it represents a total and challenging lifestyle change. Resistance to the required change in personal eating and exercise habits and practices is what dooms many individual attempts to lose weight.

In other words, proper diet and exercise are only half of what is required to maintain a healthy weight - the physical half. It's the other half: the mental and emotional challenges, resistance to change, and difficulty in breaking habits and routines, which keep us overweight.

And, seeing that "proper diet and exercise" is fairly simple in concept, and it's the emotional and habit issues that are the sticking point, it's therefore those latter issues that we should be focussing on. This is where hypnosis can help.

Let me comment, by the way, that all this is the reason why programs like Jenny Craig, Weightwatchers, and even Overeaters Anonymous are so effective. Using meetings and counselors to allow you to interact with others, they address your emotional needs as much as the physical aspects of diet. However, the use of hypnosis can be a lot cheaper, faster, and easier.

For example, most of us have become accustomed (conditioned) to eating particular types and amounts of food on a particular schedule. It's not easy to eat less, or differently. Our tummies are used to feeling full, our brains are conditioned to eat at particular times, and we are used to particular foods, often those which are "not good" for us.

Exercise is also not that easy to insert into one's daily routine. It seems straightforward but humans are strongly resistant to it. Plus, in today's society, who has the time?

This is where hypnotic techniques can help. Hypnotherapy is about habit reconditioning and behavior modification. A course of hypnotherapy can help you modify your existing behaviors and habit patterns (in other words, the mental and emotional challenges) so that you more easily adjust to the new lifestyle required to achieve the two physical cornerstones of weight management - diet and exercise.

But, hypnosis or not, you still have to embrace the diet and exercise part. Hypnosis helps you do this.

Now, here is the good news - a good hypnotherapy program can greatly influence good weight management behavior and make a substantial difference in the adjustments required to a new diet and exercise regime.

First, hypnosis can teach you relaxation. Many of the triggers that cause people to overeat are caused by stress-related factors. The kind of relaxation learned during hypnosis techniques can greatly reduce stress, making the adjustment to new habits much easier.

Next, a good hypnotherapist will work with you to identify triggers. These are that are sabotaging good diet and exercise habits.

You may be one of those people who find yourself standing looking inside the fridge, just looking for something to eat. Your hypnotherapist will help you change those behaviors so that you only snack at fixed times, and then you only eat something good for you, such as a protein snack to prevent hypoglycemia, or low blood sugar.

We describe certain foods as comfort foods - food which is tasty to eat and filling, and generally bad for you. For some people, their entire diet is comfort food. Maybe their parents fed them comfort food at a young age when they were upset.

Whatever the reason, those bad eating habits are now engrained. Your hypnotherapist can give you suggestions to change your automatic responses when you have an upset or a "stress moment".

In fact, hypnosis can help alleviate the pangs or cravings that we tend to feel even when we are not hungry, and do not need nourishment. Often we eat because we are just used to eating at a certain time, or because our tummies are used to feeling full.

The problem with this is that over the years, we need to eat more and more to maintain that "full" feeling. Hypnosis can reverse this behavior to allow you to let go of the hunger pangs at all the wrong times.

Your hypnotherapist can also help you to change your mental patterns so that you feel better about yourself. Self-image is a big issue when it comes to weight and dieting issues.

Dieting is not difficult, as it happens. There is a huge variety of different options, including for those who want bigger portions, those who like particular foods, and so forth. It's making the adjustment to stick to a plan that makes the difference, and that's the key to success.

So, what's the game plan? First, when entering into any form of diet, exercise, or other lifestyle change, it's always a good idea to visit your doctor and get his advice on what to do and the limits. For example, if you have not exercised forever and you are 50 pounds overweight, it's not a good idea to suddenly try running 3 miles a day. You need to start slowly. So, get a diet and exercise plan from your doctor.

Next, understand that you have to take it slowly. Weight loss of 1-2 pounds a week is a standard goal, and this requires both diet and exercise. You can probably lose more in the short term by taking more extreme measures like starvation dieting. However, this will not last.

Second, understand that even with hypnosis, you are going to have to exert a little bit of will power. Hypnosis will help you greatly by making you aware of the urges and reframing your automatic responses. However, at some point you are going to have to just say "no". It's at this point that a hypnotic refresher, such as an MP3 recording, will be very effective.

There are many "Hypnosis weight loss" programs and CDs available. The best kind of program, however, is one which offers personalized individual sessions, backed up by recordings to be listened to between the sessions. Hypno To Go provides such a program, for example. Individual hypnotherapy sessions, which can be performed over the phone, are directed towards your specific weight loss issues, and can also be tailored to support the specific diet and exercise program that you have chosen or that your doctor has recommended.

Finally, know that you are not alone. Millions of people are overweight and even obese as we stated above. However, this does not mean that you can not make a difference for yourself.

Take the right steps, take them slowly, and commit to the long term, and a return to a lower weight will surely be in your future. I wish you the very best of success with your weight loss endeavors.

The Amazing Powers of Self Hypnosis

The Amazing Powers of Self Hypnosis
Copyright © Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist

I want to share a success story about hypnosis for weight loss. There are so many, but this one stands out in my mind and touches my heart. I was working in the summer of 2004 with a young lady named Jen. She was 19 at the time and was scheduled to undergo gastric bypass surgery. This surgery is very drastic and involved stapling the stomach so that the person can no longer eat large meals. She also already had liposuction but regained all of her weight. Her father had died and all her mother wanted was for Jen to be happy.

As they both sat in my office in tears, Jen told me that this was her last attempt to lose weight before killing herself. After her mom left the room, we began the hypnosis session. While in a trance, Jen remembered being abused by her father. It was traumatic for her to recall this, but helpful at the same time. Jen also revealed that she had "built up a protective layer" with the excess weight. She explained while under hypnosis that the weight repelled men and kept her "safe."

After Jen was out of hypnosis, I invited her mom back into the office. The three of us discussed this unfortunate event. Her mom said that she had suspected that it happened, but never had proof until now. Jen returned the next week and we began working on re-building her self-esteem using hypnosis. This is very easy to do with hypnosis since the messages go directly to the subconscious mind. If you want to do this yourself, just make a tape with positive suggestions that you play in bed each night as you go to sleep.

In the four weeks that followed, I was able to reframe the way she felt about eating right, exercising, and taking care of herself in general. After only six sessions, I told Jen that I had done all the work we needed to do.

Last week, Jen sent me an e-mail with a picture. You see, I had programmed her to continue to eat right, exercise, and take care of herself. Well, the picture she sent looked like a model! Jen had gone from 325 lbs. to 115 lbs! The e-mail was even more inspirational. Here’s what she wrote:

Dear Steve,

It has been a year since our last session. The pounds have been consistently dropping. I eat differently and don’t even try to. I exercise three times a week and love it. Most importantly, my view of life is completely different now. I went from being overweight and suicidal to being thin, sexy, beautiful and totally confident. My mom is happier than ever and so is my husband. That’s right! I am married. He’s 6’4", an architect, and wants kids. I feel like I’m living the life of my dreams. Hypnosis is amazing. You taught me that I could do ANYTHING that I BELIEVE I can do. You are right. Feel free to share this letter with others. I want the world to know about the power of hypnosis and the power of the human mind!

With much love and respect,


In my line of work I get to see this happen often. Jen is one of the many people who decided to make a powerful change in her life. Hypnosis helped, but the change was really due to her commitment to herself. I hope that the sharing of Jen’s journey will inspire you to create whatever powerful change you desire in your life. There are no obstacles, except the ones YOU create in your mind. Remove those obstacles, and you will easily live the life of YOUR dreams.


Steve G. Jones is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. He is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association, and director of the California state registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy. Learn more about his products by visiting: BetterLivingWithHypnosis.

Bio - Steve G. Jones

“If you want to make a positive change in your life, Steve G. Jones can make the difference. He did with me.” Tom Mankiewicz, Writer of "Superman the Movie"

Imagine living the life you deserve to live! A life in which YOU have unlimited wealth, focus, and confidence. You see endless, exciting possibilities and you feel so good about it. Steve G. Jones has devoted his life to making sure you achieve this goal easily. He has focused his genius on developing a powerful line of hypnosis CD's to launch you powerfully in the direction of ultimate success. New opportunities await you, so start your journey now.

Additionally, he has developed the most powerful phone hypnosis sessions ever! As the inventor of the Phone Hypnosis Mastery, Steve G. Jones will take you to the next level in the comfort and safety of your own home. Imaging lying back and relaxing in your own home as Steve G. Jones helps you to unlock the door to a new, powerful life.

Steve G. Jones is a board certified Clinical Hypnotherapist. Steve G. Jones, M.Ed. has been practicing hypnotherapy since the 1980s. He is the author of 14 books on Hypnotherapy. He is a member of the National Guild of Hypnotists, American Board of Hypnotherapy, president of the American Alliance of Hypnotists, on the board of directors of the Los Angeles chapter of the American Lung Association, and director of the California state registered Steve G. Jones School of Hypnotherapy. In order to keep up with the very latest in research, he regularly attends training conferences.

In the mid 80's, Steve began study at the University of Florida. His primary research focus was cognitive psychology, understanding how people learn. Much of his early research was published in psychology journals in late 80's. Meanwhile, he continued practicing hypnosis outside of academia on a regular basis.

From 1990 to 1995, he was fortunate to counsel families and individuals. During this time he finished his degree in psychology at the University of Florida and went on to graduate studies in counseling. He has a bachelor's degree in psychology from the University of Florida (1994), a master's degree in education from Armstrong Atlantic State University (2007), and is currently working on a doctorate in education, Ed.D., at Georgia Southern University.

Steve G. Jones sees clients for a variety of conditions. Among them are: weight loss, anxiety, smoking cessation, test taking, phobias (such as fear of flying), nail biting, road rage, anger management, IBS, general wellness, pre-surgical and pre-dental pain control, natural childbirth, and many others.

In business settings, he is regularly called upon by sales teams to boost salesperson motivation. His straightforward techniques have significantly and consistently increased sales.

Steve G. Jones also works extensively with Hollywood actors, writers, directors, and producers, helping them achieve their very best.